添加时间:长江商报消息 本报记者 吴婷 见习记者 戴佩岑致力于“打造中国一流新能源商用车集团”的曙光股份,今年上半年净利遭遇“塌方式”下滑,净利同比减幅达95.69%。与此同时,曙光股份今年新能源车产销数据多次为零。长江商报记者统计发现,截至今年8月份,曙光股份新能源车产量仅为90辆,与去年同期累计338辆相比,下滑73.37%。同期新能源车销售量也仅为89辆,而去年同期为339辆。
During a recent DoubleLine event in New York, both Gundlach and Quill intelligence founder Danielle DiMartino Booth sat down for a talk moderated by Jeff Sherman, deputy CIO at Gundlach‘s firm. The 90-minute discussion involved Gundlach’s warnings about the true magnitude of America‘s unfunded liabilities, the prospect for a permanently wider deficit and the possibility that this could create serious problems for the American economy in the not-too-distant future, the risks inherent in the corporate bond market, the ’brainwashing‘ of Jerome Powell, the student-loan crisis, the prospects for an uptick in the MOVE index, and many other topics.
“It‘s like the Twilight Zone,” Gundlach said.然后,他援引本月早些时候美国副总统麦克•彭斯接受CNBC采访时说的话。这位副总统先称赞了经济“蓬勃发展”,然后又呼吁降息100个基点。但特朗普从竞选时期抨击美联储的鹰派立场转向极端鸽派立场,这并不令人意外。